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  • Writer's pictureShania Kelly,MSW

Mental Health Awareness Month- Break The Stigma

Even with so many of us battling mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, prolonged high levels of stress, burnout, insomnia, and etc. We continue to see individuals with mental health diagnoses face stigmas. This leads to many people feeling isolated and hinders their ability to heal. As a mental health professional and social advocate I am sometimes relied on to be the support of others going through mental health challenges. Even with this, I have faced my own challenges. While I may not have an official psychiatric diagnosis, I have dealt with symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Body Dysmorphia. Facing mental health challenges is a hard process but there are things that we can do to help ourselves and others.

One of the first life characteristics I look for when supporting others and reflecting on myself is:

  1. Are there healthy coping mechanisms in place?

  2. Who is considered to be part of the support system?

  3. Are basic needs being met?

Sometimes, when we are facing mental health challenges we do not have the tools to help ourselves, the support system to turn to or the mental capacity to deal with those challenges due to other stressors. When completing this self-assessment, and you are finding gaps, take note of them. Here is where you can start to identify what may be influencing your mental health in a negative way. By identifying those influences you can then find solutions and create a plan towards healthy and sustainable growth. If you complete this self-assessment and still feel unsure that is okay! Mental health professionals are available for this exact reason. We provide services to guide you in your process of healing and self-actualization. Every journey looks different because we all have unique individual lives.

I am sharing my story and this information with you to say that we all face mental health challenges whether we may have a diagnosis or not. Individuals with a diagnosis are not less than and should not be treated as so. We have to actively work together in changing the narrative and stigma faced by individuals with mental health challenges/diagnoses/illnesses. If we can take the time to listen, empathize and support our world may be just a little lighter.


National Prevention Hotline Number: 800-273-8255

For additional information or support please feel free to message me.

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